Love God, Love Others, Reach the World
Hey Church,
Just wanted to remind you about the special weekend coming up. We will be honoring Sanctity of Human Life Sunday this weekend. Cathy Gleason of Life Outreach Center will be with us to share about the ministry of Life Outreach. We'll also be receiving a love offering for them, so come prepared to give. If you are planning to write a check, you can make it out to Life Outreach Center. Brittany and the choir will be sharing a special song that reminds us that our Father loves us and knows everything about us. Adam and Anna will also be providing special music as well. It's going to be a great morning! Please be praying for the service, for all those who will be involved and for those who will be there whose lives will be touched by God!
Our small groups will be meeting Sunday night. We have five groups that are meeting each Sunday, and we anticipate expanding that number soon. Be sure to check out the times and locations for the groups that will be meeting and get plugged in!
Next Sunday (Jan 29) will be Baptist Men's Day. Wes Adams will be preaching that morning and Gordon Johnston will be leading the music. We need all of our guys in choir practice this Wednesday night at 6 pm to prep for Sunday. Andy Beltz will also be sharing his testimony. Be praying for this special service and be sure to invite someone to join you there.
The date has finally been confirmed for our Mission Trip to Guatemala this summer; July 6-13. The cost for the trip is $325+airfare per person. We've already started raising money to help off-set the cost. If you're feeling called to go, don't let money be the determining factor; God will provide. We'll have applications available soon!
We'll have tickets available this weekend for our Wild Beast Feast coming up on Saturday, February 25. TWRA will be bringing out trailers for pre-meal activities. Keith has lined up a great selection of various wild game. We're still finalizing plans for a guest speaker, but rest assured we will be sharing Jesus so make sure you get tickets to your lost and un-churched friends and family. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under. The proceeds will go toward our summer mission trip to Guatemala, but the money isn't the most important thing, so if you have lost friends and family who can't afford the ticket, give them one anyway - we want them to hear the Gospel. Since our space is limited, tickets will help us keep track of the number who will be attending.
I look forward to seeing you this weekend!