"Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will joy in the God of my salvation. For the Lord God is my strength. He makes my feet like deer's feet and makes me walk upon my high places." Habakkuk 3:18-19
Monday, March 19, 2018
What To Do When Your World Falls Apart
We have several phrases we use to try to describe going through a sudden crisis. We say things like, "pulling the rug out from under me," "when the wheels come off," or "when the walls cave in." Perhaps the one I use the most is "when your world falls apart." I'm sure you know what I am talking about - situations where you thought everything was fine, and then ... well... everything falls apart. Maybe expectations go unmet, a relationship is broken, a job is lost, a loved one passes away suddenly, or a loved one rebels against family or even God. I'm sure there are a million other situations you could describe, but you get the gist.
The question is, what do you do when those kinds of things happen? What do you do when the world you were so comfortable with and confident in, suddenly disintegrates? I've been through a few of these situations and have often responded poorly, but over the years I've learned a few things that helped me get through, This isn't exhaustive, but it is a start.
1. PRAY - Talk to God... honestly... about your fears, failures, anxieties, hurts, doubts and every other emotion you are feeling. God is not put off by your emotions. He is a big God, a loving Father and He will not condemn nor reject you because you are an emotional wreck in the middle of a crisis. James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you..." And Philippians 4:6-7 says we should pray about everything because God can do anything.
2. READ - Read the Bible, let God speak into your life and your situation through His word. In the pages of Scripture you'll find many stories of men and women of great faith who went through their own "world-falling-apart" situations. Their stories are recorded for our encouragement. See where they found help, peace and strength during times of crisis.
Also READ books and articles by other people who have gone through similar crises as yours. Hear their stories and be encouraged that survival is possible.
3. MEDITATE - Grab hold of the promises of God and focus your thoughts on them instead of your problem. Pick a verse or two from Scripture that inspires you and gives you hope, and meditate on those verses throughout the day.
4. WORSHIP - Put on some great worship music and get lost in praising God. I know worship isn't just music, but it is a big, powerful part of worshiping God. There is also great power in worshiping God in the middle of your crisis. Read Acts 16:16-34 - when you praise God in spite of your circumstances, He might just show up and shake things up!
5. TALK - Confide in others - close, dependable, faithful people that you know will not gossip about you or your situation. Be careful... but don't isolate yourself from others. Don't cut off communication with close friends and family. If you don't have anyone in your circle of friends or family that you trust, make an appointment with a reputable Christian counselor. There is no shame in seeking professional help in times of severe crisis. Some may argue that they can't afford professional help, but if your world is really falling apart, and your spiritual, emotional, mental and even physical health are at stake, you can't afford not to.
6. SERVE - Look for ways to help others. Serving others gives you an outlet; it is spiritually and emotionally energizing. When life is falling apart, the tendency is to withdraw, to isolate yourself or "hide." Don't do it! The enemy loves isolation - when you are isolated you are a prime target for the enemy who only wants to kill, steal and destroy. Resist the temptation to shut-down and get out and do something for someone else. When you help others, you will discover that you are being helped (See Proverbs 11:25).
7. WRITE - Write out your feelings, get them out on paper or computer. Writing is a great way to process your thoughts and emotions - it is therapeutic. And someday your writings may help someone else who is going through their own "world-falling-apart" situation. You don't need any particular format, just write - write your prayers to God, write letters to loved ones, make lists... just start writing, it will come.
8. NEVER GIVE UP - Defeat is an attitude and you can change your attitude. Take charge of your thoughts and feelings. Talk yourself into moving forward (do more talking to yourself, and less listening to those negative voices in your head). Determine never to give up on God, on yourself or on others. You can overcome because Jesus has overcome!
I'm still trying to put these things into practice, but this is my number #7. I hope you are encouraged. By the way, as I was writing these I realized God gave me "8" things on this list; 8 is the number of new beginnings, and God is a God of new beginnings. His mercies are new each day, live in them. It's never too late to begin again.
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