"Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will joy in the God of my salvation. For the Lord God is my strength. He makes my feet like deer's feet and makes me walk upon my high places." Habakkuk 3:18-19
Friday, July 12, 2019
Spiritual Warfare: What's Going On Here?
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy... John 10:10 ESV
On Wednesday nights we have been studying Scriptures on spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6 tells us that "... we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." (v.12, NLT) The battle is real and the enemy is real. In John 10:10 Jesus tells us about the nature of the enemy and what his primary goals are in fighting against us; "The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy." (NLT) Our enemy is a thief, and he wants only to steal, kill and destroy.
Because everyone is different, the enemy attacks in different ways, and through different means, but his goal is always the same - steal, kill and destroy. Last Wednesday I shared how I have experienced his attacks in my life, following those three purposes.
1. He wants to steal our joy - joy is an incredibly important component in the Christian life. Jesus tells us in John 15:11 that He gives us His joy so that we can be full of joy. Nehemiah 8:10 reminds us that the "joy of the Lord" is our strength. We draw spiritual strength when rejoice in the Lord. That's why we are told repeatedly in the Bible "to rejoice," "to count it all joy" or to "rejoice in the Lord." Spiritual strength comes from rejoicing in the Lord.
So, in my experience, one of the primary ways the enemy attacks is to create situations, in my life where I am tempted to lose my joy. Sometimes these are big things like the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, or a broken relationship. But often they're smaller situations like having a flat tire when you're late for work, losing your keys, staining your favorite shirt, or an argument with your spouse over something stupid like which way the toilet paper roll goes on the holder (BTW, the correct way is "over"). These are not major catastrophes, just little irritating episodes, and often one right after another; anything to cause us to become frustrated, unhappy or react with a negative attitude, anything to steal our joy, because the joy of the Lord is our strength.
2. If the enemy can steal our joy, he makes an easy transition to killing our peace. Once I've lost my joy, I become unsettled, anxious, worried and maybe even fearful. Peace is another wonderful gift that Jesus gives us (see John 14:27, and Romans 5:1), but when we've lost our joy, we almost always lose our peace as well. For me, a lack of peace is manifested in chronic worrying - I start mulling over negative situations in my mind, usually creating "worst-case-scenarios", wondering why "bad things" are happening, and how am I (emphasis on me) going to fix things. I stress, and fret, and overthink situations to the point where I become discouraged ore even mildly depressed. If I continue down that road, I start to withdraw and cut myself off from friends and family, which is just what the enemy wants - isolation, which makes it easy for him to transition to the next phase of attack...
3. He wants to destroy our confidence and trust in God. This is his ultimate goal. If you are a follower of Christ, he can't destroy your salvation (because your salvation isn't based on what you've done for Christ, but on what Christ has done for you), so he wants to cause you to doubt or question God's goodness, His love for you, or His sovereign grace in your life. You begin to think, does God love me? Have I done something wrong that has made Him made at me? If He is good, then why are these bad things happening to me? Can I really trust God? Does God even care about me or my situation?
Again, I'm speaking for myself, but in reflection this is how the enemy has often worked in my life - he causes or creates situations where I allow myself to become unhappy - sometimes big events, but usually a series of smaller, irritating episodes in my day or week. His goal is to cause me to lose my joy and when that happens I become anxious and unsettled (worried and stressed); and from there I begin to lose my confidence and trust in the goodness, love and sovereignty of God, and I become a pretty miserable person. He hasn't destroyed my salvation (because he can't) but he has stolen my joy, killed my peace and destroyed my trust in God. I've moved from unhappy, to unsettled to uncertain.
Unfortunately, I've allowed this cycle to repeat too many times in my life as a follower of Christ, but in the last few years God has been revealing the enemies strategies and showing me how to defend myself against his attacks, which I'll talk about next time ... but for now, "Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8 (NLT) AND if you are experiencing spiritual warfare in your life right now and needing someone to pray with and fight alongside of you, please reach out to me, you can comment on this blog or email me at glmiller1965@gmail.com ... I'm not from the government, but I am here to help ( I know... not everyone will get that joke, 😁).
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
God's Perfect Timing
And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 ESV
Over the years I've seen the Lord's perfect timing several times; saw it again yesterday and today. Our church has a food pantry and clothes closet to help people in need. Our director Rachel told me yesterday that we had some baby food in the pantry that was going to expire at the end of the month so she was going to post on a community site to see if anyone needed it. Also yesterday one of our church members came by to drop off some baby clothes for boys that a relative had given to her. Some of them were brand new with the tags still on them.
This morning a lady contacted Rachel about the baby food and made an appointment to come by and pick it up. When she came in, she began to open up to Rachel about what was going on in her life. About four months ago she had moved to the area with her husband and six kids, age range from 16yrs to 3 months old (born here). Unfortunately her husband is an alcoholic and a few days ago he abandoned her and the kids with no money. She had run out of formula and had just started giving the infant baby food, but had run out of that too. Thankfully, we were not only able to give her baby food, but we had formula to give her as well. Rachel asked if she needed diapers, but she said she had plenty of diapers but could use some wipes, which we happened to have in our pantry.
As they were talking, Rachel asked her if they needed any clothes. The lady was hesitant and at first said she didn't want to take more than what had already been given to her, but she finally told Rachel that before he left them, her husband, in a drunken stupor had taken all of the babies clothes and burned them in a barrel behind their house. The only clothes the baby had were the ones he was wearing.
Of course we had received a large donation of baby boy clothes just the day before! (God's perfect timing). She was able to take a box of clothes for the baby and also food for the family. She and the kids are moving back to Illinois this weekend to live with her mom, but the food we provided would get them through the next couple of days. The woman was overwhelmed - she had come just expecting to get some baby food for her baby, but thanks to your generosity and God's perfect timing, she was able to leave not only with food and clothes, but with hope in a God that would supply all of her and her children's needs.
Thank you church for your generosity and for helping those in need. God is good ... all the time...
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