I had a great day! I attended the reFresh Pastors Conference in Knoxville with my friend Phil Young, and I was truly "refreshed" by Pastor Jim Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, and Daniel Henderson, president of Strategic Renewal. It was one of those challenging, convicting, and yet encouraging conferences. Here are some of my favorite quotes and sayings:
Jim Cymbala
Commenting on "Christians" who on't like coming to worship: "If people don't want to be in God's presence on earth, why would He punish them by sending them to heaven?"
"God will help you see people as He sees them."
On communication - "When you love, you get through."
"Our culture is killing us. Culture is stronger than the Bible and the Holy Spirit in most of our churches."
Daniel Henderson
"The devil doesn't have to destroy us, he just has to distract us."
"Leadership can't point the way to prayer, we have to lead the way to prayer."
"We've replaced the leadership of the Holy Spirit with 'having a vision.' Don't do vision by imitation, do it by inspiration."
"The only enduring motive for praying is that He is worthy to be sought."
"If I were the devil, I would concentrate on keeping Christians from praying."
These are just a few snippets from an overall great conference.