Thursday, January 9, 2025


At Grace Point Church we began the year with a couple of different emphases; first we returned to our study of the Gospel of Luke. We started studying through Luke all the way back in November of 2021, so we've been at it a little over 3 years. We've taken some brakes for different sermon series, but we started this year in Luke 18. Which contributed to our second emphasis - prayer. For the last couple of years we've started the year with 31 Days of Fasting and Prayer, and you can check out the Prayer guide for this year HERE. 

Luke 18 has a lot of Jesus' teaching on prayer. Last Sunday we talked about being Persistent in Prayer, Luke 18:1-8. To encourage His followers to always pray and not lose heart, Jesus taught a parable about an unjust judge and widow who wouldn't leave him alone until he gave her justice. Jesus taught that, if a widow can get justice with an unjust judge through persistence, HOW MUCH MORE will God's children who pray to Him regularly, receive "justice" quickly. God is a gracious Father who loves to answer the prayers of His people. 

This coming Sunday, Nick Oakes, one of our Elders, will be teaching on "Humility: The Prerequisite of Effective Prayer and the Dangers of Spiritual Blindness." He will be teaching on Luke 18:9-14, The Parable of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector. This will be one of the most important messages in our prayer emphasis. I encourage to plan to join us Sunday morning at 9:00am for the worship service. And get a head start on the study by checking out the SERMON STUDY GUIDE HERE.

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