Thursday, October 9, 2008


These are pretty scary times we are living, at least economically. Prices keep going up while stock markets fall. I cringe every time I look at my retirement account. I also cringe every time I have to fill a vehicle up. Even with government involvement (or because of it), the recovery is going to be slow. I've read some commentators saying it will take years for us to get back to where we were just two years ago.

In such a crazy, volatile world it's good to know that somethings never change. For one, God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He is still in control and can and will work in spite of the circumstances of our economy. Another thing that hasn't changed is God's mandate for His church - make disciples. In Matthew 28, when Jesus gave the Great Commission to go into all the world and make disciples, He didn't place any qualifiers or disclaimers on it: He didn't say, go if it's safe, go if it's affordable, or go if it's convenient. He just said go, and as we go, He will go with us. Whether it is around the block or around the world - go and He will go with us.

Tough times require tough people. The church has always flourished in tough times, because the people of God have risen to the occasion and kept doing what God called us to do. The economic crisis has and will continue to affect the church, but God is our Provider, not Wall Street or Washington. He will make a way for the Church, His Body to accomplish His call even in the tough times.

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