Friday, October 27, 2017

Financial Issues of Replanting Churches

In May of this year we voted to replant our church and start over. In some ways we have become a new church (new name, new governing documents, new service times, etc.), but we still have some carry over from who we were, such as our church budget and expenses. Thankfully we do not have any debt as a church, but we do have operating expenses. We have experienced some initial decline in our attendance, and in our giving. This isn't unusual for a church going through a replant. Struggling finances are typically and issue for any church, but are magnified for churches going through change.

Recently Thom Rainer, president of Lifeway Christian Resources and Mark Clifton, Director of the Replant Division of the North American Mission Board began to offer a podcast called "Revitalize and Replant." Through these podcasts they discuss issues facing churches that are in the process of revitalizing or replanting. One of the podcasts this week dealt with the issues of finances in a replanting church. You can listen to the podcast here. After listening, feel free to leave questions or comments in the comment section below.

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